Qualities You Should Have to be a NLP Practitioner

Neuro-Linguistic Programming is an incredibly broad and diverse field dedicated to personal development. It covers a huge array of skills and techniques to help people learn new behaviors, improve existing behaviors, end bad habits, and improve their lives in an almost infinite number of ways. If you’re interested in adopting NLP skills to your own life there are no specific traits that you have to have. NLP can be taught to anybody who is interested. Indeed, the idea that anybody can learn how to do anything is one of the core assumptions of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. However, becoming an NLP practitioner, whether that means just living your life with knowledge of NLP or teaching others the techniques of NLP, can be sped along by possessing and improving certain personality traits.

First and foremost, anybody who wants to learn NLP should be very willing to learn. Much of NLP will seem like common sense at first but quite often becomes more nuanced and complex as you dig into it. While some of it seems like common sense other NLP techniques may seem nonsensical or pointless at first. Again, keeping an open mind and being willing to learn something new is nearly vital to becoming and effective NLP practitioner.

Much of NLP focuses on the ability human beings to visualize certain outcomes and situations. Therefore, if you have a powerful imagination and don’t have trouble imagining vivid scenarios then you are likely to achieve greater success with NLP quicker. However, if you feel like you don’t have a strong imagination or have trouble conjuring images into your head, don’t fret too much. Working with an NLP practitioner or coach will help you develop the needed skills to achieve the greatest gains from NLP. Not getting interested in NLP because you think you lack a prerequisite skill is quite often like refusing to eat because you’re hungry. The act of learning about NLP will often rectify the shortcomings that you think you have.

Another quality that will help on your quest to be an NLP practitioner is the ability to communicate clearly. Much of NLP is based on conversation and reading bodily and verbal cues of conversation partners. Being comfortable talking to people you may not know very well is a very helpful skillet o have. However, don’t let the lack of this quality scare you away from NLP. Remember, almost any skill you think you lack will be improved by spending time with the principles of NLP.

A certain element of self-knowledge is important to becoming an NLP practitioner. You need to be comfortable describing what you’re good at — and what you’re not so good at. You need to have a fairly accurate representation of your skills and limitations within your own mind. It also helps to have a fairly clear idea of where you’d like your education in NLP to take you. Knowing that you’re studying NLP to become a better communicator, salesman, to reduce your stress, or improve your study skills will affect the way you approach your education. Take some time to ask yourself questions about yourself before you step foot into your first NLP training session.

The qualities necessary to become an NLP practitioner essentially end at the willingness to work hard and have an open mind. Any of the other qualities I mentioned in this article, like self-knowledge, strong communication skills, and visualization are just bonuses that will help you get started on the right foot. Don’t let any perceived shortcomings keep you from investigating and learning more about this powerful field. Indeed, your experience and knowledge of NLP may change your life for the better.


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